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Otostick - Corrector Cosmetico Discreto de Orejas Sobresalientes de 8 Unidades - Productos Correctivos para el Cuidado de las Orejas sin Cirugia a Partir de Los 3 años de Edad
  • QUE ES OTOSTICK? - Otostick es un corrector de orejas para adultos fabricado con un adhesivo de silicona de grado medico. Garantiza que cada oreja se adhiera a la parte adyacente de la cabeza sujetando las orejas hacia atras y proporcionando un aspecto totalmente natural y sin dolor de la oreja. Se creo a partir de una necesidad: corregir las orejas prominentes (comunmente conocidas como "orejas grandes") de forma sencilla, sin necesidad de cirugia plastica u otoplastia.
  • FACIL DE USAR Y EFECTO INMEDIATO - Adecuados para cualquier ocasion o actividad, los correctores de orejas Otostick son productos de autocuidado faciles de usar, comodos y discretos, ya que estan hechos de silicona transparente. Es importante seguir las instrucciones de colocacion que figuran en el prospecto para garantizar que cada corrector dure lo maximo posible y que la posicion de las orejas sea optima.
  • APLICACION Y COLOCACION - Limpie la zona detras de las orejas con un producto astringente a base de alcohol. Determine el punto exacto de colocacion antes de finalizar la posicion. Retire el papel protector del lado que va en la oreja y peguelo primero en la oreja antes de retirar el papel protector del lado que va en la cabeza. Presione la oreja contra la cabeza, teniendo cuidado de no dejar pelo debajo del parche. Presione durante unos segundos para asegurar una buena adhesion.
  • CONTENIDO Y DURACION - Cada kit de Otostick contiene 8 correctores, recomendados para su uso a partir de los 3 años. Por termino medio, cada corrector dura entre 3 y 7 dias si se aplica correctamente. Como alternativa, puede utilizar los parches correctores para ocasiones especificas en las que, en caso de un peinado particular, la prominencia de las orejas sea mas notable. Para prolongar la duracion efectiva, asegurese de colocarlos correctamente sobre la piel limpia y seca.
  • RECOMENDACIONES - Esperar 4 horas desde la aplicacion antes de mojar los parches de silicona, teniendo cuidado de evitar actividades que induzcan a la sudoracion o el uso de accesorios, que puedan tirar o frotar los correctores. Entre la retirada de un corrector y la aplicacion de uno nuevo, es aconsejable dejar descansar la piel durante un periodo de 12-24 horas e hidratar la zona con una crema hidratante. RECUERDE limpiar bien la zona una vez mas antes de aplicar un nuevo par.
Otostick - 2 Pack 8 Count Cosmetic Discreet Protruding Ear Corrector - Corrective Ear Care Products for Ear Pinning without Surgery from 3 Years.
  • WHAT IS OTOSTICK? - Otostick is an ear corrector for adults made of medical grade silicone adhesive. It ensures each ear sticks to the adjacent part of the head by holding the ears back and providing a pain free and all natural appearance of the ear. It was created based on a necessity: to correct prominent ears (commonly known as "large ears") in a simple way, without needing plastic surgery or otoplasty.
  • EASY TO USE & IMMEDIATE EFFECT - Fit for any occasion or activities, Otostick ear correctors are self care products that are easy to use, comfortable, and discreet as they are made of clear silicone. Following the placement instructions in the package insert is important to ensure that each corrector lasts as long as possible and that the position of the ears are optimal.
  • APPLICATION & PLACEMENT - Clean the area behind ears with an alcohol based astringent product. Determine the exact point of placement before finalizing the position. Remove the protective paper from the side that goes on the ear and stick it on the ear first before removing the protective paper from the side that sticks to the head. Press the ear back against the head, taking care not to leave hair underneath the ear patch. Press for a few seconds to ensure proper adhesion.
  • CONTENT & DURATION - Each Otostick Kit contains 8 correctors, recommended for use from the age of 3 years and older. On average, each ear corrector lasts for 3-7 days if applied correctly. Alternatively, you can use the correction patches for specific occasions where, in case of particular hair styling, the prominence of the ears is more notable. To prolong the effective duration, ensure proper placement on clean and dry skin.
  • RECOMMENDATIONS - Wait 4 hours from application before getting the silicone patches wet, taking care to avoid activities that induce sweating or the usage of accessories such as masks, which may pull or rub the correctors. Between the removal of a corrector and applying a new one, it is advisable to let skin rest for a period of 12-24 hours. In this period, hydrate the area with a moisturizer. However, REMEMBER to cleanse the area thoroughly once more before applying a new pair.
Otostick - 3 Pack 8 Count Cosmetic Discreet Protruding Ear Corrector - Corrective Ear Care Products for Ear Pinning without Surgery from 3 Years
  • WHAT IS OTOSTICK? - Otostick is an ear corrector for adults made of medical grade silicone adhesive. It ensures each ear sticks to the adjacent part of the head by holding the ears back and providing a pain free and all natural appearance of the ear. It was created based on a necessity: to correct prominent ears (commonly known as "large ears") in a simple way, without needing plastic surgery or otoplasty.
  • EASY TO USE & IMMEDIATE EFFECT - Fit for any occasion or activities, Otostick ear correctors are self care products that are easy to use, comfortable, and discreet as they are made of clear silicone. Following the placement instructions in the package insert is important to ensure that each corrector lasts as long as possible and that the position of the ears are optimal.
  • APPLICATION & PLACEMENT - Clean the area behind ears with an alcohol based astringent product. Determine the exact point of placement before finalizing the position. Remove the protective paper from the side that goes on the ear and stick it on the ear first before removing the protective paper from the side that sticks to the head. Press the ear back against the head, taking care not to leave hair underneath the ear patch. Press for a few seconds to ensure proper adhesion.
  • CONTENT & DURATION - Each Otostick Kit contains 8 correctors, recommended for use from the age of 3 years and older. On average, each ear corrector lasts for 3-7 days if applied correctly. Alternatively, you can use the correction patches for specific occasions where, in case of particular hair styling, the prominence of the ears is more notable. To prolong the effective duration, ensure proper placement on clean and dry skin.
  • RECOMMENDATIONS - Wait 4 hours from application before getting the silicone patches wet, taking care to avoid activities that induce sweating or the usage of accessories such as masks, which may pull or rub the correctors. Between the removal of a corrector and applying a new one, it is advisable to let skin rest for a period of 12-24 hours. In this period, hydrate the area with a moisturizer. However, REMEMBER to cleanse the area thoroughly once more before applying a new pair.
Otostick Bebe Corrector de Orejas Protuberantes para Bebes - 8 Unidades con Gorra de Proteccion - Soporte Ortopedico para la Correccion Permanente
  • ¿QUE ES OTOSTICK BEBÉ? - Otostick Baby es un corrector de orejas para Bebés y niños fabricado con un adhesivo de silicona de grado médico. Asegura que cada oreja se adhiera a la parte adyacente de la cabeza sujetando las orejas hacia atrás y proporcionando un desarrollo natural y sin dolor del cartílago de la oreja. Fue creado a partir de una necesidad: corregir las orejas prominentes (comúnmente conocidas como "orejas grandes") de forma sencilla, sin necesidad de cirugía plástica u otoplastia.
  • FACIL DE USAR Y EFECTO INMEDIATO - Adecuados para cualquier ocasión o actividad de los niños, los productos Otostick Bebé son fáciles de usar, cómodos y discretos, ya que están hechos de silicona transparente. Es importante seguir las instrucciones de colocación que figuran en el prospecto para garantizar que cada corrector dure lo máximo posible y que la posición de las orejas sea optima.
  • EFECTO CORRECTOR PERMANENTE - según un estudio realizado por la Asociación Española de Pediatría, Otostick Bebé proporciona una corrección permanente en Bebés y niños de entre 3 meses y 6 años de edad con una eficacia del 90%, si se utiliza de forma continuada durante una media de 12 meses, en los que los parches adhesivos de silicona actúan de forma preventiva evitar que para las orejas adopten una posición inadecuada.
  • CONTENIDO Y DURACION - Cada kit Otostick Baby contiene 8 correctores y un gorra para Bebé que proporciona protección. Por término medio, cada corrector auditivo cosas para Bebés dura entre 3 y 7 días con una colocación adecuada. Para evitar el desperdicio de los correctores, en el caso de un Bebé o un niño activo, es aconsejable colocarlos mientras los pequeños están dormidos, ya que los movimientos bruscos pueden provocar una colocación incorrecta y disminuir la eficacia del corrector.
  • APLICACION Y COLOCACION - Limpie la zona detrás de las orejas con un producto astringente a base de alcohol. Determine el punto exacto de colocación antes de finalizar la posición. Retire el papel protector del lado que va en la oreja y péguelo primero en la oreja antes de retirar el papel protector del lado que va en la cabeza. Presione la oreja contra la cabeza, teniendo cuidado de no dejar pelo debajo del corrector. Presione durante unos segundos para asegurar una buena adhesión.
Otostick Baby - 8 Count Discreet Protruding Ear Corrector for Babies with Baby Cap - Orthopedic Baby Items for Correction of Large Ears from 3 Months
  • WHAT IS OTOSTICK BABY? - Otostick Baby is an ear corrector for babies and children made of medical grade silicone adhesive. It ensures each ear sticks to the adjacent part of the head by holding the ears back and providing a pain free and natural development of ear cartilage. It was created based on a necessity: to correct prominent ears (commonly known as "large ears") in a simple way, without needing plastic surgery or otoplasty.
  • EASY TO USE & IMMEDIATE EFFECT - Fit for any occasion or toddler activities, Otostick Baby products are easy to use, comfortable, and discreet as they are made of transparent silicone. Following the placement instructions in the package insert is important to ensure that each corrector lasts as long as possible and that the position of the ears are optimal.
  • PERMANENT CORRECTIVE EFFECT - Based on a study undertaken by Spanish Pediatric Association, Otostick Baby provides permanent correction in babies and children between 3 months and 6 years of age with an efficacy of 90%, if used continuously for an average of 12 months, wherein the silicone adhesive patches act preventively to inhibit ears from adopting an inadequate position.
  • CONTENT & DURATION - Each Otostick Baby Kit contains 8 correctors and a protective baby cap. On average, each baby ear corrector last for 3-7 days with proper placement. To avoid wasting the correctors, in the case of an active baby or child, it is advisable to place them while the little ones are asleep as sudden movement may cause improper placement and lessen the corrector's effectiveness.
  • RECOMMENDATIONS - Wait 4 hours from application before getting the correction patches wet, taking care to avoid activities that induce sweating or the usage of baby accessories such as masks, which may pull or rub the correctors. Between the removal of a corrector and applying a new one, it is advisable to let baby skin rest for a period of 12-24 hours. In this period, hydrate the area with a moisturizer. However, REMEMBER to cleanse the area thoroughly once more before applying a new pair.
Otostick Baby - 2 Pack 8 Count Protruding Ear Corrector for Babies with Baby Cap - Orthopedic Baby Items for Correction of Large Ears from 3 Months
  • WHAT IS OTOSTICK BABY? - Otostick Baby is an ear corrector for babies and children made of medical grade silicone adhesive. It ensures each ear sticks to the adjacent part of the head by holding the ears back and providing a pain free and natural development of ear cartilage. It was created based on a necessity: to correct prominent ears (commonly known as "large ears") in a simple way, without needing plastic surgery or otoplasty.
  • EASY TO USE & IMMEDIATE EFFECT - Fit for any occasion or toddler activities, Otostick Baby products are easy to use, comfortable, and discreet as they are made of transparent silicone. Following the placement instructions in the package insert is important to ensure that each corrector lasts as long as possible and that the position of the ears are optimal.
  • PERMANENT CORRECTIVE EFFECT - Based on a study undertaken by Spanish Pediatric Association, Otostick Baby provides permanent correction in babies and children between 3 months and 6 years of age with an efficacy of 90%, if used continuously for an average of 12 months, wherein the silicone adhesive patches act preventively to inhibit ears from adopting an inadequate position.
  • CONTENT & DURATION - Each Otostick Baby Kit contains 8 correctors and a protective baby cap. On average, each baby ear corrector last for 3-7 days with proper placement. To avoid wasting the correctors, in the case of an active baby or child, it is advisable to place them while the little ones are asleep as sudden movement may cause improper placement and lessen the corrector's effectiveness.
  • RECOMMENDATIONS - Wait 4 hours from application before getting the correction patches wet, taking care to avoid activities that induce sweating or the usage of baby accessories such as masks, which may pull or rub the correctors. Between the removal of a corrector and applying a new one, it is advisable to let baby skin rest for a period of 12-24 hours. In this period, hydrate the area with a moisturizer. However, REMEMBER to cleanse the area thoroughly once more before applying a new pair.
Earo Cosmetic Ear Corrector, 20 Pieces Ear Tape Patches, Ear Corrector for Adults, Discreet Ear Stickers for Fixing Protruding Ears
  • Protruding ear solution: Our specially designed ear stickers provide an effective non-surgical solution to address the issue of protruding ears. You can achieve the look you desire without the need for invasive surgery or any discomfort.
  • Pack of 20 patches: Each purchase includes a generous pack of 20 ear tape patches, providing you with an ample supply for your needs. Additionally, our package includes alcohol wipes for cleaning the back of your ears, ensuring a hygienic and hassle-free application process.
  • Invisible and hypoallergenic: Our ear corrector tapes are designed to be discreet and gentle on your skin. They are virtually invisible, ensuring a natural appearance, and hypoallergenic to minimize the risk of irritation.
  • Water and sweat resistant: These protruding ear corrector are designed to stay in place, even in humid or active situations. They are water and sweat resistant, allowing you to go about your day with confidence.
  • Easy application, long-lasting: Applying this ear correction tape is a breeze with our step-by-step instructions. They last 3-4 days, providing continuous support for your desired look. To remove, simply use the included alcohol wipes for a gentle and easy process.
EARLAP Ear Corrector, Contain 20 Ear Tape, Solve Big Ear Problem with Ear Stickers by Pinning Back Ears, Cosmetic Aesthetic Correctors for Prominent Ears, Waterproof Ear Correctors Sticks for Adults
  • ✅ Earlap Non-Surgical Ear Corrector for Prominent Ears - Say goodbye to protruding ears without the need for surgery. The package contains 20 ear correctors.. With its innovative and gentle approach, Earlap offers an effective alternative for individuals seeking to enhance their appearance. Experience the confidence boost you've been longing for with this convenient, non-invasive solution. Embrace a new level of self-assurance and enjoy the freedom to showcase your true beauty.
  • ✅Easy and Convenient: Our Cosmetic Ear Corrector offers a user-friendly solution for daily use. You can easily placement in just 4 steps. Additionally, each package includes 10 specially developed SOLAP alcohol wipes, ensuring a smooth and gentle release of the Earlap without any discomfort. Enjoy the convenience and effectiveness of our innovative product, designed to make ear correction a hassle-free experience.
  • ✅ Water and Sweat Resistant: Our Earlap is designed to withstand water and sweat, ensuring long-lasting performance. Each adhesive is formulated to provide a secure hold on clean and dry skin, offering up to 3-4 days of reliable ear correction. Whether you're enjoying outdoor activities, exercising, or simply going about your daily routine, you can trust our Earlap to stay in place and maintain its effectiveness.
  • ✅ Invisible and Lightweight: Our Earlap offers a seamless solution that is virtually undetectable. Thanks to our specially developed strong adhesive and thoughtful design, you'll hardly feel like you're wearing anything at all. Experience the freedom of natural movement and a discreet appearance with our transparent ear corrector. Achieve immediate results and enjoy a natural effect that enhances the overall look of your ears.
  • ✅ Embrace Your True Beauty: With Earlap, there's no need to hide your ears any longer. Feel confident and empowered to showcase your unique style with various hairstyles, including elegant updos and trendy knot styles. Our innovative ear corrector, proudly made in Türkiye, allows you to freely express yourself without the worry of prominent ears. Unleash your beauty and let your personality shine through. It's time to embrace your individuality and make a bold statement with the help of Earlap.
EarPRO Cosmetic Ear Corrector, 8 Pieces Cosmetic Ear Tape Patches, Ear Corrector for Adults and Children, Discreet Ear Stickers For Fixing Protruding Ears
  • Invisible comfort: Our protruding ear stickers are thoughtfully designed to provide an almost invisible correction for protruding ears. The transparent design blends seamlessly with your skin tone, ensuring that they remain inconspicuous when worn.
  • Hypoallergenic: We prioritize your skin's well-being. That's why our ear tape correctors are made with hypoallergenic silicone, making them safe for all skin types, including those with sensitive skin. Wear them all day long without worrying about irritation or allergies.
  • Waterproof: Life is unpredictable, but our correctors are prepared. These ear corrector tapes are waterproof, so you can go about your daily activities, whether it's getting caught in the rain, working up a sweat, or even swimming, without compromising your performance.
  • Pack of 8: Each pack includes 8 individual protruding ear correctors, providing you with a generous supply for multiple uses or sharing with family and friends. They offer long-lasting correction, ensuring you have enough on hand to achieve the desired results.
  • Easy three-step application: We've made using our ear correction tape incredibly straightforward. The application process is as easy as 1-2-3: Peel, Stick, and Press. Clear and concise instructions are included, making it a hassle-free experience to achieve the correction you desire.

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  • What is the best Otostick for 2022??
  • What is the best Otostick?to buy?
  • What is the best Otostick to buy on the market?
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